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Reshape a wide data.frame of iterations (such as posterior draws or bootsrapped samples) as columns to long format. Instead of having all iterations as columns (e.g., iter_1, iter_2, ...), will return 3 columns with the \*_index (the previous index of the row), the \*_group (the iteration number) and the \*_value (the value of said iteration).


reshape_iterations(x, prefix = c("draw", "iter", "iteration", "sim"))

reshape_draws(x, prefix = c("draw", "iter", "iteration", "sim"))



A data.frame containing posterior draws obtained from estimate_response or estimate_link.


The prefix of the draws (for instance, "iter_" for columns named as iter_1, iter_2, iter_3). If more than one are provided, will search for the first one that matches.


Data frame of reshaped draws in long format.


# \donttest{
if (require("rstanarm")) {
  model <- stan_glm(mpg ~ am, data = mtcars, refresh = 0)
  draws <- insight::get_predicted(model)
  long_format <- reshape_iterations(draws)
#>   Predicted iter_index iter_group iter_value
#> 1  24.38890          1          1   24.05244
#> 2  24.38890          2          1   24.05244
#> 3  24.38890          3          1   24.05244
#> 4  17.14047          4          1   17.27725
#> 5  17.14047          5          1   17.27725
#> 6  17.14047          6          1   17.27725
# }