Reshape estimations with multiple iterations (draws) to long format
Reshape a wide data.frame of iterations (such as posterior draws or
bootsrapped samples) as columns to long format. Instead of having all
iterations as columns (e.g., iter_1, iter_2, ...
), will return 3 columns
with the \*_index
(the previous index of the row), the \*_group
iteration number) and the \*_value
(the value of said iteration).
# \donttest{
if (require("rstanarm")) {
model <- stan_glm(mpg ~ am, data = mtcars, refresh = 0)
draws <- insight::get_predicted(model)
long_format <- reshape_iterations(draws)
#> Predicted iter_index iter_group iter_value
#> 1 24.38890 1 1 24.05244
#> 2 24.38890 2 1 24.05244
#> 3 24.38890 3 1 24.05244
#> 4 17.14047 4 1 17.27725
#> 5 17.14047 5 1 17.27725
#> 6 17.14047 6 1 17.27725
# }