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report 0.5.9

CRAN release: 2024-07-10


  • Arguments named group, at and group_by will be deprecated in future releases. of easystats packages. Please use by instead. This affects following functions in report:

Minor changes

  • report now supports reporting of Bayesian model comparison with variables of class brms::loo_compare.
  • report now supports reporting of BayesFactor objects with variables of class BFBayesFactor.
  • report_sample() now suggests valid column names for misspelled columns in the select, by, weights and exclude arguments.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with incorrectly passing additional arguments to downstream functions in report() for htest objects.

report 0.5.8

CRAN release: 2023-12-07

New features

  • report_s() to report the interpretation of S- and p-values in an easy-to-understand language.

Major Changes

  • This release changes the licensing model of report to an MIT license.

Minor changes

  • report now supports variables of class htest for the Chi2, Friedman test, Fisher’s exact test, and Kruskal-Wallis.

  • report now supports variables of class Date, treating them like factors.

  • report now supports objects of class estimate_contrasts, from easystats’ modelbased::estimate_contrasts, outputting either the results in text form, or as a table.

  • report_sample

    • now reports the weighted number of observations when data is both grouped an weighted.
    • gains ci, ci_method and ci_adjust arguments, to compute confidence intervals for proportions of factor levels. Currently, two different methods (Wald and Wilson) are available.
    • now works on grouped data frame, using the defined groups as values for the group_by argument.
    • can now summarize data based on more than one grouping variable (i.e. group_by is allowed to be longer than 1).
  • The print method for report_sample gains a layout argument, to print tables either in "horizontal" or "vertical" layout.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in report_participants, which did not print the "gender" category for grouped output when that argument was written in lower-case. Gender now also supports more alternate spellings, and age converts the respective column to numeric.

  • Fixed printing issue for intercept-only models.

report 0.5.7

CRAN release: 2023-03-22

Hotfix for CRAN reverse dependency compatibility.

report 0.5.6

CRAN release: 2023-02-05

Breaking Changes

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 3.6.

Minor changes

  • report_sample improvement
    • Gains an n argument to also optionally include sample size.
    • Fixes bug whereas the total parameter was not respected.
  • report_effectsize improvement
    • For t.test (htest) objects, now support the type (one of c("d", "g")) and rules (one of c"cohen1988", "sawilowsky2009", "gignac2016")) arguments.

report 0.5.5

CRAN release: 2022-08-22


  • The minimum needed R version is now bumped to 3.5.

Minor changes

  • report_participants improvement (@rempsyc, #260)

    • Now correctly reports NA values as % missing

    • Adds support for country and race demographic information


  • Fixed bug with truncated output about confidence interval distribution in report().

report 0.5.1

CRAN release: 2022-02-22

  • Hotfix release to fix failing tests and to unarchive package on CRAN.

report 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2022-01-30


  • The following functions have been removed from report and now live in {datawizard} package:

Data wrangling helpers:

  • data_addprefix()

  • data_addsuffix()

  • data_findcols()

  • data_remove()

  • data_rename()

  • data_reorder()

Text formatting helpers:

  • format_text()

  • text_fullstop()

  • text_lastchar()

  • text_concatenate()

  • text_paste()

  • text_remove()

  • text_wrap()


  • Reporting participant’s sex/gender information has improved (thanks to @drfeinberg, #212)

    • Separated sex and gender into different searches/columns

    • Sex is reported % female, % male, % other, % missing if any cases are missing

    • Gender is reported % Women, % Men, % Non-Binary, % missing if any cases are missing

    • Age reports % missing if any cases are missing.

report 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-09-30

  • Maintenance release.

report 0.3.5

CRAN release: 2021-06-10

  • Fixed issue with possibly wrong numbers in the total column from report_sample(), when grouping variable contained missing values.

report 0.3.1

  • Added support for models of class ivreg (ivreg).

report 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-15

  • Initial release of the package.