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Data frame and Tables Pretty Formatting


apply_table_theme(out, x, theme = "default", sub_header_positions = NULL)

  sep = " | ",
  header = "-",
  cross = NULL,
  empty_line = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  protect_integers = TRUE,
  missing = "",
  width = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  caption = title,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  table_width = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A tinytable object.


A data frame. May also be a list of data frames, to export multiple data frames into multiple tables.


The theme to apply to the table. One of "default", "grid", "striped", "bootstrap", "void", "tabular", or "darklines".


A vector of row positions to apply a border to. Currently particular for internal use of other easystats packages.


Column separator.


Header separator. Can be NULL.


Character that is used where separator and header lines cross.


Separator used for empty lines. If NULL, line remains empty (i.e. filled with whitespaces).


Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Should integers be kept as integers (i.e., without decimals)?


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Refers to the width of columns (with numeric values). Can be either NULL, a number or a named numeric vector. If NULL, the width for each column is adjusted to the minimum required width. If a number, columns with numeric values will have the minimum width specified in width. If a named numeric vector, value names are matched against column names, and for each match, the specified width is used (see 'Examples'). Only applies to text-format (see format).


Name of output-format, as string. If NULL (or "text"), returned output is used for basic printing. Can be one of NULL (the default) resp. "text" for plain text, "markdown" (or "md") for markdown and "html" for HTML output.

title, caption, subtitle

Table title (same as caption) and subtitle, as strings. If NULL, no title or subtitle is printed, unless it is stored as attributes (table_title, or its alias table_caption, and table_subtitle). If x is a list of data frames, caption may be a list of table captions, one for each table.

Table footer, as string. For markdown-formatted tables, table footers, due to the limitation in markdown rendering, are actually just a new text line under the table. If x is a list of data frames, footer may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Column alignment. For markdown-formatted tables, the default align = NULL will right-align numeric columns, while all other columns will be left-aligned. If format = "html", the default is left-align first column and center all remaining. May be a string to indicate alignment rules for the complete table, like "left", "right", "center" or "firstleft" (to left-align first column, center remaining); or maybe a string with abbreviated alignment characters, where the length of the string must equal the number of columns, for instance, align = "lccrl" would left-align the first column, center the second and third, right-align column four and left-align the fifth column. For HTML-tables, may be one of "center", "left" or "right".


Name of column in x that indicates grouping for tables. Only applies when format = "html". by is passed down to gt::gt(groupname_col = by).


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


Numeric, or "auto", indicating the width of the complete table. If table_width = "auto" and the table is wider than the current width (i.e. line length) of the console (or any other source for textual output, like markdown files), the table is split into two parts. Else, if table_width is numeric and table rows are larger than table_width, the table is split into two parts.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Currently not used.


A data frame in character format.


The values for caption, subtitle and footer can also be provided as attributes of x, e.g. if caption = NULL and x has attribute table_caption, the value for this attribute will be used as table caption. table_subtitle is the attribute for subtitle, and table_footer for footer.


#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>         5.10 |        3.50 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        3.00 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        3.20 |         1.30 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        3.10 |         1.50 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        3.60 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.40 |        3.90 |         1.70 |        0.40 |  setosa
export_table(head(iris), cross = "+")
#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> -------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+--------
#>         5.10 |        3.50 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        3.00 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        3.20 |         1.30 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        3.10 |         1.50 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        3.60 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.40 |        3.90 |         1.70 |        0.40 |  setosa
export_table(head(iris), sep = " ", header = "*", digits = 1)
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
#> *********************************************************
#>          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
#>          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
#>          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
#>          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
#>          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
#>          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

# split longer tables
export_table(head(iris), table_width = 30)
#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width
#> --------------------------
#>         5.10 |        3.50
#>         4.90 |        3.00
#>         4.70 |        3.20
#>         4.60 |        3.10
#>         5.00 |        3.60
#>         5.40 |        3.90
#> Sepal.Length | Petal.Length
#> ---------------------------
#>         5.10 |         1.40
#>         4.90 |         1.40
#>         4.70 |         1.30
#>         4.60 |         1.50
#>         5.00 |         1.40
#>         5.40 |         1.70
#> Sepal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> ------------------------------------
#>         5.10 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.40 |        0.40 |  setosa

# \donttest{
# colored footers
x <-[1:5, ])
attr(x, "table_footer") <- c("This is a yellow footer line.", "yellow")
#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>         5.10 |        3.50 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        3.00 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        3.20 |         1.30 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        3.10 |         1.50 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        3.60 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#> This is a yellow footer line.

attr(x, "table_footer") <- list(
  c("\nA yellow line", "yellow"),
  c("\nAnd a red line", "red"),
  c("\nAnd a blue line", "blue")
#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>         5.10 |        3.50 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        3.00 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        3.20 |         1.30 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        3.10 |         1.50 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        3.60 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#> A yellow line
#> And a red line
#> And a blue line

attr(x, "table_footer") <- list(
  c("Without the ", "yellow"),
  c("new-line character ", "red"),
  c("we can have multiple colors per line.", "blue")
#> Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width | Species
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>         5.10 |        3.50 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.90 |        3.00 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.70 |        3.20 |         1.30 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         4.60 |        3.10 |         1.50 |        0.20 |  setosa
#>         5.00 |        3.60 |         1.40 |        0.20 |  setosa
#> Without the new-line character we can have multiple colors per line.
# }

# column-width
d <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 2, 3),
  y = c(100, 200, 300),
  z = c(10000, 20000, 30000)
#> x |   y |     z
#> ---------------
#> 1 | 100 | 10000
#> 2 | 200 | 20000
#> 3 | 300 | 30000
export_table(d, width = 8)
#>        x |        y |        z
#> ------------------------------
#>        1 |      100 |    10000
#>        2 |      200 |    20000
#>        3 |      300 |    30000
export_table(d, width = c(x = 5, z = 10))
#>     x |   y |          z
#> ------------------------
#>     1 | 100 |      10000
#>     2 | 200 |      20000
#>     3 | 300 |      30000
export_table(d, width = c(x = 5, y = 5, z = 10), align = "lcr")
#> x     |   y   |          z
#> --------------------------
#> 1     |  100  |      10000
#> 2     |  200  |      20000
#> 3     |  300  |      30000