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Convenience functions to manipulate and format text.


  sep = ", ",
  last = " and ",
  width = NULL,
  enclose = NULL,


text_lastchar(text, n = 1)

text_concatenate(text, sep = ", ", last = " and ", enclose = NULL)

text_paste(text, text2 = NULL, sep = ", ", enclose = NULL, ...)

text_remove(text, pattern = "", ...)

text_wrap(text, width = NULL, ...)


text, text2

A character string.




Last separator.


Positive integer giving the target column width for wrapping lines in the output. Can be "auto", in which case it will select 90\ default width.


Character that will be used to wrap elements of text, so these can be, e.g., enclosed with quotes or backticks. If NULL (default), text elements will not be enclosed.


Other arguments to be passed to or from other functions.


The number of characters to find.


Regex pattern to remove from text.


A character string.


# Add full stop if missing
text_fullstop(c("something", "something else."))
#> [1] "something."      "something else."

# Find last characters
text_lastchar(c("ABC", "DEF"), n = 2)
#>  ABC  DEF 
#> "BC" "EF" 

# Smart concatenation
text_concatenate(c("First", "Second", "Last"))
#> [1] "First, Second and Last"
text_concatenate(c("First", "Second", "Last"), last = " or ", enclose = "`")
#> [1] "`First`, `Second` or `Last`"

# Remove parts of string
text_remove(c("one!", "two", "three!"), "!")
#> [1] "one"   "two"   "three"

# Wrap text
long_text <- paste(rep("abc ", 100), collapse = "")
cat(text_wrap(long_text, width = 50))
#>  abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#> abc abc abc abc

# Paste with optional separator
text_paste(c("A", "", "B"), c("42", "42", "42"))
#> [1] "A, 42" "42"    "B, 42"