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Reshape CI between wide/long formats.


reshape_ci(x, ci_type = "CI")



A data frame containing columns named CI_low and CI_high (or similar, see ci_type).


String indicating the "type" (i.e. prefix) of the interval columns. Per easystats convention, confidence or credible intervals are named CI_low and CI_high, and the related ci_type would be "CI". If column names for other intervals differ, ci_type can be used to indicate the name, e.g. ci_type = "SI" can be used for support intervals, where the column names in the data frame would be SI_low and SI_high.


A data frame with columns corresponding to confidence intervals reshaped either to wide or long format.


x <- data.frame(
  Parameter = c("Term 1", "Term 2", "Term 1", "Term 2"),
  CI = c(.8, .8, .9, .9),
  CI_low = c(.2, .3, .1, .15),
  CI_high = c(.5, .6, .8, .85),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#>   Parameter CI_low_0.8 CI_high_0.8 CI_low_0.9 CI_high_0.9
#> 1    Term 1        0.2         0.5       0.10        0.80
#> 2    Term 2        0.3         0.6       0.15        0.85
#>   Parameter  CI CI_low CI_high
#> 1    Term 1 0.8   0.20    0.50
#> 2    Term 1 0.9   0.10    0.80
#> 3    Term 2 0.8   0.30    0.60
#> 4    Term 2 0.9   0.15    0.85