Can be used to get the hex code of specific colors from the material design
color palette. Use material_colors()
to see all available colors.
#> red pink purple deep purple indigo blue
#> "#f44336" "#E91E63" "#9C27B0" "#673AB7" "#3F51B5" "#2196F3"
#> light blue cyan teal green light green lime
#> "#03A9F4" "#00BCD4" "#009688" "#4CAF50" "#8BC34A" "#CDDC39"
#> yellow amber orange deep orange brown grey
#> "#FFEB3B" "#FFC107" "#FF9800" "#FF5722" "#795548" "#9E9E9E"
#> blue grey
#> "#607D8B"
material_colors("indigo", "lime")
#> indigo lime
#> "#3F51B5" "#CDDC39"