Can be used to get the hex code of specific colors from the Flat UI color
palette. Use flat_colors()
to see all available colors.
#> red dark red purple deep purple blue light blue
#> "#e74c3c" "#c0392b" "#9b59b6" "#8e44ad" "#2980b9" "#3498db"
#> cyan teal green light green yellow amber
#> "#1abc9c" "#16a085" "#27ae60" "#2ecc71" "#f1c40f" "#f39c12"
#> orange deep orange grey blue grey
#> "#e67e22" "#d35400" "#95a5a6" "#7f8c8d"
flat_colors("dark red", "teal")
#> dark red teal
#> "#c0392b" "#16a085"