Model of class aovlist



An object of class aovlist (inherits from listof) of length 3.


aov(wt ~ cyl + Error(gear), data = mtcars)
#> #> Call: #> aov(formula = wt ~ cyl + Error(gear), data = mtcars) #> #> Grand Mean: 3.21725 #> #> Stratum 1: gear #> #> Terms: #> cyl #> Sum of Squares 10.09741 #> Deg. of Freedom 1 #> #> Estimated effects are balanced #> #> Stratum 2: Within #> #> Terms: #> cyl Residuals #> Sum of Squares 9.607673 9.973661 #> Deg. of Freedom 1 29 #> #> Residual standard error: 0.5864464 #> Estimated effects are balanced