Happy birthday easystats! A retrospective
You write R packages and functions? This package will change your life!
New formatting features in the parameters package
In defence of the 95% CI
Multilevel Correlations: A New Method for Common Problems
The ulimate package for correlations (by easystats)
The p-direction: A Bayesian equivalent of the p-value?
easystats: one year already. What's next?
Comparison of indices of significance in the Bayesian framework
News from easystats: updated parameters and see packages.
More models, more features: what's new in 'parameters' 0.2.0
parameters: a powerful and lightweight alternative to broom to describe your models' coefficients
Check your (Mixed) Model for Multicollinearity with 'performance'
Testing Contrasts from Bayesian Models with 'emmeans' and 'bayestestR'
Become a Bayesian master with bayestestR (0.2)
The 'see' package: beautiful figures for easystats
A perfectly normally distributed sample: another post?
Compute R2s and other performance indices for all your models!
How to easily generate a perfectly normal distribution
Describe and understand Bayesian models and posteriors using bayestestR
A unified syntax for accessing models' information
The end of errors in ANOVA reporting
Formatted correlation output with effect sizes