bayestestR 0.2 is here!
As you might have heard from previous posts, we have recently started to collaborate around the new easystats project, a suite of packages designed to make your life easier. One of the packages, bayestestR, has just been updated on CRAN.
And this release is so packed with new features and improvements that it would be impossible to present them all in one post! We have added the computation of different types of Bayes factors (BF), new plotting methods (available in the see
package), a new meta-function, describe_posterior
, that computes everything at once, and more…
We also improved the documentation, with new tutorials and articles so that Bayesian analysis can hold no secrets from you. Check them out:
- Credible Intervals (CIs)
- Probability of Direction (pd)
- Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE)
- Bayes Factors (BF)
- Comparison of Point-Estimates
- Comparison of Indices of Effect Existence
- Reporting Guidelines
There are also some breaking changes, make sure you check them out!
Join the team
You’ve spotted an error, a bug, a typo in the documentation? Please help us by opening an issue or by making a pull request. There is definitely room for improvement. Feel free to let us know how we could further improve this package!
Also note that easystats is a new project in active development. So don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to get involved :) (you can send one of us an email saying, for example, “leeet me iiiin”)
- Check out our other blog posts here!